

Soup-er Lunch - Cream of Broccoli

I was on the lookout for a good soup book for a long time and after a steady search on Amazon I finally zeroed in on 'Twelve months of monastery soups'. Maybe it was the word 'monastery' that did it; I thought of a maroon robed monk stirring a pot of bubbling soup in a quaint French kitchen. Why maroon and why France I don't know, but not a bad reason to buy a book huh?!

The author is a Benedictine monk and shares his monastery's soup recipes in the book. The recipes are simple and easy to make. No frou frou stuff here, or even tedious simmering and stewing. Whether it is the uncommon solyanka, the rich cheese veloute or the popular gazpacho, the soups are all hearty, delicious and easy.

So if the thought of curling up on the sofa with a bowl of hot soup on a chilly evening appeals to you, this book is right up your alley. On the flip side some recipes call for a lot of oil or cheese but this is a minor flaw as one can easily make adjustments while cooking. Overall I'd say the book really works because I find myself referring to it time and again.


(serves 3-4)
1/2 a pound of broccoli
2 medium size potatoes
1 onion
4 cups water
1/2 bouillon cube (such as Knorr)
1/2 cup half & half (I used low fat)
a pinch of cayenne
salt and pepper to taste
grated cheese to garnish

Wash broccoli and cut into small florets. Wash, peel and thinly slice potatoes.

Pour water into a large stock pot. Add vegetables and bouillon cube. Cook on low heat for an hour.

Let cool, then puree the soup in a blender. Transfer to pot, add cream and cayenne. Season to taste.

Simmer for a few minutes, garnish with cheese and serve hot.


Other excellent books for soup aficionados -
Soup, a way of life
Splendid Soup

Entry for: FMR - Comfort food hosted by Revathi


  1. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Soup-er Pictures !
    Soup-er Colors !
    Soup-er Soup !
    Soup-er Recipes !

  2. A great post, Ashwini. I like broccoli soups, so this one is something that I must try out. Like you, I too would have expected the soup to turn out green after having read the recipe. After all, it's just a tablespoon of tomato paste going into, right? I never expected tomatoes to be so dominating. :)

  3. Soup-er writing style. Soup looks delicious.

  4. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Ashwini.Soup looks delicious. Infact I was looking for a good soup recipe. Thanks a ton for sharing it.

  5. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Wonderful pics, Ashwini!! While I personally run miles away at the very sight of Brocolli, I most enjoyed your "Souper" pics! Just awesome! :o)

  6. That is really super!
    I don't know many recipes with broccolis. Thanks for this recipe.

  7. Priya, Aldram, Neelu, Krithika, Meena - thanks girls!
    Vaishali - I suppose tomato paste is concentrated; plus the broccoli literally cooks in it for 30 mins..perhaps thats why it gets dominated :-)
    Rp, Shilpa - good to know you like soups as well. Let me know if you try this

  8. the soup looks good my friend...and i love your soup bowls!

  9. Hi Ashwini,
    Looks really with colorful pictures.Thanks for sharing.

  10. Nice picture!! Nice recipe!! Thanks for sharing.

  11. looks delicious! I like this guy - I have his From a Monestary kitchen, which is also seasonal. I love his simple approach.

  12. Pics looks so yum I could want to eat them...
    Will try the recipes sometime..

  13. Absolutely awesome photos. Thank you for the recipe

  14. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Simply s(o)uperb !

  15. Great pictures..And i always love broccoli in any form..and same with my kod..Go to my must-try list..

  16. hi
    you take such lovely pictures
    tuzhaya kadun shekale pahejee...
    the broccoli soup pics are great
    have you learnt food photography
    which camera do you use
    there is so much light in your photos
    i really love your photos and your recipes too.
    marathi manasacha abhiman vatato....

  17. Neelu, Nabeela, Vineela, Surya, Cath, Vinesh, Archana, Arsu - thanks!
    Annita - let me know if you try it
    Mahek - thank you for your kind words. Shikavnyasathi mee kahi phaar chaan photos gheth nahi :-)
    No I havent learnt photography.
    I use a Nikon. I try to take the photo in as much natural sunlight as possible. Not direct rays (that will give you shadows) but sunlight.

  18. Wow, I have missed the past 2 to 3 posts..the soup and the watermelon pancakes look really good!! I wish I could taste all this!!!

  19. Hey Ashwini,

    I simply love your presentation skills man !!
    Cool receipes..
    - Manju

  20. I saw this recipe in office and wanted to comment since then... Ur fotos are realllly superb. The accessories with the foto are just great...
    Thanks for participating in FMR. See you in the round up

  21. ashwini
    how do you get the different backgrounds for your photos
    this green looks so good.

  22. You guys put me to shame with my shabby presentations....I am often in a hurry to cook n just blog!...Excellent pictures ashwini...I should say you have a good collection of cute looking vessels too!!I think I need to learn a lot abt gd patience nahi;)...

  23. BDSN, Manju - thanks
    Revathi - loved participating
    Mahek - replied to your mail
    Indiandoc - learn from me?? Now you are making me laugh.
    Honestly when I saw some of the presentation out there I wanted to shut my kitchen :-) Now I try not to freak out too much...3 shots and I am done! Let me know if you need any help though

  24. Hi
    The basket of brocoli looks amazing. soup too hot and creamy. Sure would try this on a winter night when all of us crave for something hot.

    Chk here for a thread on rasams and soups:

  25. Hi. Your photo of the basket of broccoli has been stolen by another site - google kimkinsdiet and you'll find a link to her blog.

  26. Your basket of broccoli photo has been lifted by the marketing fraud behind the lawsuit plagued Kimkins diet. You may wish to ask her to take it down. She's at kimkinsdiet on blogpspot.

    You have really wonderful photos - I'm going to add your blog to my reader!

  27. speaking of the photo of the broccoli:

    i found a link pointing out that your broccoli photo has been used on another website. it has been flipped horizontally, slightly cropped, and the levels and contrast have been altered slightly.

    not sure if you were aware, but thought you should know. you can see it here.

  28. I love the way of ur presentation...!
    ur pixs urge me have to try it:))

  29. The soup sounds lovely, but I'm confused. The talk in the comments refer to tomato paste, but there's none in the recipe.
    Did you take it out?
