

Blog Party - Mini Tortilla Quiches


Stephanie is celebrating a year of Blog Parties by going global. She has asked us to pack our bags and visit our favorite places or dream destinations. I decided to revisit Singapore for sentimental reasons.
I took the trip some three years back to visit my best friend who stays there. This wasn't a planned, discussed over several phone calls kind of trip. It was entirely sneaky - my friend had no idea I was coming. The look on her face when she got back from work and found me standing in front of her was priceless. Those shrieks must have woken up the dead :-)

Looking back all I remember of the trip is the laughter. We were laughing in her apartment, in the glitzy malls, in the restaurants.... just about everywhere and all the time. Not without reason I might add, as we had some really funny incidents.
But what is a trip without a little adventure? So a weekend trip to a small island in Malaysia included among other things, a dog chase and a jump from one ferry to another in mid-sea. This sounds very James Bond-ish now but at the time we were shaken and stirred :-)

My friend made sure I tried everything that Singapore had to offer - from kaya (coconut jam) toast in traditional kopitiams; seafood, curry and noodles in foodcourts; satay and roti john in roadside stalls to Singapore Slings in noisy pubs! We reconnected over meals; oohing and aahing over the food, catching up on each other's lives, talking about books and music, jobs and bosses.

The meal that stands out in my memory was in a Turkish restaurant called Ephesus. We ate delicious pide, hummus, kebabs ... and because we were the only customers at the time the owner gave us a quick lesson on Turkish cuisine along with our lunch.
It has been a long time since we got to spend time like that so this trip still looms large in our minds. "Remember the time in Singapore when"...we say and launch into a nostalgic conversation even now.

On to the recipe then. The idea to use tortillas as quiches is from an issue of Better Homes. I am a big fan of quick snacks so this fifteen minute, faux quiches appealed to me immediately. I used cilantro and red pepper hummus in place of the original cream filling.

(makes 12)
a packet of chile flavored flour tortillas*
nonstick cooking spray
For the hummus -
a can of garbanzo beans
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1-2 tbsp of tahini (sesame paste; I used store bought)
1/2 cup cilantro leaves
salt to taste
olive oil
a pinch of paprika (optional)

Drain and rinse the garbanzo beans. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Add a little olive oil if the mixture becomes too thick. Adjust seasoning with lemon juice, garlic and salt. Sprinkle paprika on top. Store in an airtight container and refrigerate for an hour before using.

Preheat oven to 375°F. Lightly coat a mini muffin pan with cooking spray. Using a round biscuit/ cookie cutter cut 12 circles from the tortillas (you get about 2 circles per tortilla)**.


Press each circle into a muffin cup, pleating the edges if necessary. Fill each tortilla with 1 tablespoon of the filling. Bake for about 15-20 minutes or until the filling sets.


Taste test -
The tortilla cups are great - perfect as a quick snack or for a potluck. The original recipe had eggs in the filling which I suppose sets well. The hummus on the other hand set only on top, inside it was still a bit creamy. This did not taste bad at all though. The quiches as very versatile as you can use possibly any filling you like.

* Chile tortillas and red pepper hummus were from Whole Foods.
** The tortilla scraps can be toasted and used as croutons



  1. That's an amazing write up reminded me of the time my brother and his wife surprised us with a visit from saudi on my wedding day...the shrieks definitely woke up the dead :D
    And the tortilla quiche is an excellent idea!

  2. Anonymous7:39 PM

    This reminds me of my sneaky trip to Delhi to surprise my dearest friend. But not as adventurous as yours, dog chase, jumping from one ferry to another :) That should have been lots of fun.

    Coming to the Quiches part, i've never tastes one before.Looks Yum. Love the color combo of the torillas and hummus. Nice platter, good presentation, lovely pictures. Can i know what have you used to decorate the quiches? Is it green onions & dried red chilli flakes ????

  3. Nabeela, Priya - its fun to surprise people isnt it? Though I myself dont take surprises very well :D
    Priya - yep green onions and chilli!

  4. Anonymous7:56 PM

    This is nice blog thank god I found it,yes it is good to surrised some time ,Thanks for sharing

  5. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Thats a great experience and very very nice writeup Ashwini. You really went to Singapore to meet your friend? wow... Hope one of my friends just show up like that in my home some day :D.

  6. Wow this is something entirely new to me!It looks so good:)

  7. Great narration Ashwini, you should try your hand at writing! Great pictures too!
    love the recipe, I am going to make this for our next get together.

  8. What a nice thing to do for your friend. Quiches look yummy !

  9. Oh, what a wonderful post, Ashwini. With a great write-up and lovely photographs. Your idea of decorating the otherwise plain dish is superb. Now tell me, if I offered to become a friend, would you drop in at my place? (Please say yes! :))

  10. Quality write up!!! Loved the idea of faux quiche.

  11. Quiches looks yummy,Ashwini.
    Thanks for the recipe

  12. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Hey Ashwini,
    Very nice presentation, your fun filled story made me remember my good old days. when I and my freinds used to laugh like that. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I nearly went to Singapore and back thru ur write up :-) and the recipe sounds great too, will give it a try soon. I havea batch of tortillas sitting in the freezer unattended..!!

  14. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Oh!! This is such a lovely post!And what a lovely thing to give your friend a surprise like that!!Wow!

  15. Is this the hummus that is also used for pita breads Ashwini?

    Nice presentation!! And somehow I want to ask u do you paint?Because the platter you have used looks like a paint platter!

  16. Tony, Shilpa, Krishna, Krithika, Sumitha - thanks!
    Vaish - Yes yes. I'll definitely surprise you! But you miss the point - I ensured my friend showed me every nook and corner of Singapore :-D
    Neelu - I know...things in India always seem so exciting compared to here
    Archana, Vineela - thanks
    Madhu - oh yes! Especially in college right? Anything could set girls giggling!
    Priya, LG - thanks
    BDSN - you sweet lady! I havent picked up a brush in my life :-)
    Yes its the same chickpea hummus that is used in pitas

  17. Anonymous8:45 PM

    That seems to be a really thrilling and wonderful experience you had..Ashwini :0)

    Btw,the mini tortilla quiche is absolutely healthy snack idea. Is tahina and tahini the same. Do you know its recipe?

  18. Lovely write up ashwini...and interesting recipe...looks quite good...

  19. The Quiches look wonderful and colorful, great story.

    Ashwini, thanks for the link on 'food copyrights' interesting

    Imagine if indeed Food Recipes were copyrighted we'd pretty much be eating white rice or maybe not even that?

  20. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Great narration !! Awesome recipe.

  21. Arsu - yes tahina and tahini are the same - sesame paste. I bought mine from a Middle eastern store in my area but I have seen them in most supermarkets too. If you want to make it at home here is a recipe -
    Shynee - thanks
    Indo - I loved reading that article. It was so informative and very well thought out. Glad you liked it too.
    Mythili - thanks buddy!

  22. I love the write up !! Made me think about my friend and we would go giggling and laughing apparently for no reason !!!! shopping laughing and eating was all we used to do !!! Hmm nostalgic.

    I loved the tortilaa idea. Actually I tried to make little samosa cups in the oven but it turned darn hard. I think this is a cool idea. Good one !!

  23. What a beautiful post!! Really enjoyed it ashwini.

  24. Here via the blog party.

    I like the idea, and it is so flexible for what you can use for the filling. I like the red pepper idea too!

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