

Blow hot, blow cold - Tambli

Quick, no fuss dinners have become the norm in my kitchen for the past few weeks (how I just hate it when life interferes with blogging :-)). Easily upping the cumin-pepper curry I posted last time is today's contribution - a) there is no cooking involved and b) do you really need a (b) when there is no cooking involved? Well then the curry is served cold. It can't get easier than this unless you order takeout!

Tamblis or tambolis are yogurt based curries that are a must during the hot summer months. They are made with a variety of ingredients, from the ever popular garlic, the curative asafoetida, to the seasonal greens available in the market.

What is Konkani food though if it doesn't push the flavor envelope?! Most everything we make is an unexpected combination of flavors; an "acquired taste". Here we are at it again, with a yogurt curry that is made with a base of onion and ginger. You need to have a pretty seasoned palate to enjoy this hot, cold blend!


ALLE KANDE TAMBLI (Ginger-onion Curry)
(serves 2)
1" piece of ginger (or enough for the curry to have a ginger-y punch)
3 tbsp fresh coconut, grated
1-2 dry red chillies
1 medium size onion, minced fine
1 cup yogurt, beaten or buttermilk
salt to taste

Grind ginger, coconut and chillies to a fine paste with a little water. If using yogurt, whisk with half a cup of water (or more to get desired consistency) and salt.

Add ground paste, mix well and chill until ready to serve. At the time of serving add minced onion. Serve cold with rice and fried fish or roasted papad.

If you are a highly conscientious cook who regards this no-cook curry as cheating, feel free to roast the chillies and ginger in a little ghee before grinding. BUT no matter how guilty you feel don't heat the tambli. It is served cold!!

* Leftovers can be used to make a chutney (add coconut to thicken the curry). Or add some boondi and chopped cilantro to make a raita.
* Other ideas for tambli - leaves of just about any vegetable (radish, beetroot, kohlrabi etc.)


  1. Sounds like a very easy recipe, i love yougurt based curries, thank you. Nice photo!!

  2. Hey Ashwini,
    I make Tamblis (as they call it at my MIL's place) once in a while. Never made your version, though. Good recipe and great photograph. So, when shall we come to your new place for house-warming?

  3. thanks for the quick recipe...i might make it today or tomorrow if i can get myself up from the couch...been down sick :(

  4. Archana - me too! Perfect for hot summer days.
    Vaish - yep we call them tamblis too. Do share your version (my mum/ mil make about 4 between them and I still want more. I love tamblis :-) Come whenever you like!!
    Nabeela - you poor thing. Get well soon

  5. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Which cuisine is this?

  6. Ashwini, you are absolutely right about the cooking part!! This recipe sounds kind of cool..
    very easy to make and a lot few ingredients too and there is practically no cooking involved!!(I am in love with this dish already :-))

  7. Anonymous12:46 AM

    A very nice write up Ashwini... i got to try this today... thanks.

  8. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Hi ashwini,
    Just tried this recipe... Tamboli.. its too good!!

    See ya.. lemme go and have my lunch with TAmboli..!!

  9. Ashvini,its similar to a chutney we make Ashwini,except that we dont add yoghurt!I should try this one too!

  10. Anonymous8:15 AM

    very easy one..Must go to my 'To Try' list..Thanks Ashwini

  11. LG this is Konkani cuisine. The Konkan coast stretches from Maharashtra, Karnataka to Goa. Tamblis are more popular in the Karnataka region.
    KA - its a very simple dish. Let me know how you like it
    Neelu - Solkadhi has a base of coconut milk and kokum. This curry is much lighter because its made with yogurt. Its made in several variations.
    Aparna - are fast!!! I am so glad you liked it. One of the reasons its so popular is because you always have the ingredients on hand.
    Sumitha - chutney sounds equally yummy. do post about it sometime
    Annita - thanks..let me know if you try it

  12. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I make a variety of them :), but this version is new to me. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Hi Ashwini,
    Tambli looks delicious and easy to make also.i will make this and let you know.
    Nice Photo.

  14. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Tamboli looks delicious.......we call 'majjige huli'made without onions. You are right,they are best for hot summers.

  15. Hey a couple of days ago I made Kadhi ! Ha ha what can I say...great minds think alike ! And you are so right, yogurt based curries are the best in summer.

  16. Very similar to pachadis that we make. Very delicious. Nice photo

  17. Ash, this is perfect for the hot days. I have never made a Tamboli and this recipe is so easy. No, I will definately not have a guily conscious.
    By the way I thought you'd like to take part in this little meme on my blog! Get to know you Looking forwardto what you have to answer!

  18. Anonymous4:56 PM

    ooohh..tamboli with fried fish ...hmmmm..had lots of it in india..still craving for more...Thats my weekend menu

  19. Very unusual recipe. Looks perfect for summer!

  20. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Sounds amazingly like a recipe I have from Narayani Nayak! We spell it Thambli though.

  21. DH I was already coveting that book, even more now that I know it has a tambli recipe too :-) I can't wait for it to be republished!

  22. Chanced upon your blog; loved this post. It is very similar to the Pachadi's which are made with ground coconut. There are versions which use lightly sauted vegetables with tempering, in buttermilk/ yogurt during summers.
